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Members of Beta Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter, FrederickZetas.


Brilliant And Sophisticated Zetas

It is indeed an honor and privilege to serve as the 3rd President of Beta Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter of Frederick County, Maryland. As I lead and walk beside its members, I don’t take the position lightly and will do everything within my abilities to move the chapter to the next level.

The Brilliant And Sophisticated Zetas are a unique group -- our Sisterhood is second to none. We watch over, pray, compliment, and respect each other. As a group of college-educated wives, mothers, and caregivers we enjoy and take pleasure in doing what we do. We may be small in number but MIGHTY in spirit! We will continue to keep our feet on the ground and our ears open to listen to the needs of our community.


Our five Founders bound themselves together for the purpose of promoting a sorority that would directly affect positive change, chart a course of action for the future and raise the consciousness of their people, along with encouraging the highest standards of scholastic achievement, and fostering a greater sense of unity among its members.


As we celebrate our 103rd Founders' Day on January 16th, 2023, my desire is that we continue to uphold those values by being committed to service in our community. Our program initiative, Z-HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) has provided us the opportunity to share our love for the Frederick County community. It doesn’t take much effort when you do what’s in your heart to donate your time, talent, and gifts of love to those in need.


Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant, 26th International President and CEO of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. says, “We honor the visionary, trailblazing spirit of our five Triumphant Pearls and we will make this world a better place as Finer Women…Torches up Sorors!!”

Beta Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter or Frederick Zetas of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. 3rd chapter President, Donna Hamilton


Your donation
helps us build
a brighter
future for all...

Make an In-Kind Donation Today!


Beta Alpha Sigma Zeta is a 501c7 non-profit organization, committed to serving our community. Donations that we receive from you help to strengthen our community and make a lasting impact.


Your non-tax-deductible, in-kind donation helps to support abused women and children, provide college scholarships for high school youth, provide food and essential items to the homeless, and countless other program initiatives that we provide in the Frederick community.


Please make a donation today and together we can make a change in the community.

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